Friday, February 4, 2011

Paranormal Activities


This is my first review post. As most, it shall be brief. Spoilers? Probably, but vague.

Paranormal Activity

The first one was unique. Bad ghost, possessive ghost. Video. Night vision. Seeming reality format. Mildly interesting.

Jump factor peak: 6/10

Jump factor bleed: 8 sec.

Staying power: 1/10

Notable viewing quotes:

Me: "Wake me up when 'Ghost Hunters' is over."

Daughter: "Really? That's the end?"


Not impressed or scared. The Blair Witch Project worked harder to build up more fear and uncertainty and freaked me out with a little staying power that broke me of the genre. No one should ever discuss BWP's sequel which makes film weep for its suck factor.

Paranormal Activity 2

I acquiesced to my daughter's plea that someone said the second one was better than the first. I cringed when I read a review saying of the first "Some got it and liked it, others didn't and hated it." I got it. Fully. And even appreciated it. But I did not like it.

The second one: not unique. Bad ghost, possessive ghost. Video. Night vision. Seeming reality format. Mildly interesting. Tie-in to the first.

Seriously, you've got what must be a $15,000 security setup that records every damn thing going on -- we're seeing the movie, often through the eyes of the security camera -- and yet you rarely check the recorded feed! You blame people for things and never check it. You call people delusional and never check it. WTF?!

Jump factor peak: 3/10

Jump factor bleed: 20 sec.

Staying power: 0.5/10

Notable viewing quotes:

Me: "Wake me up when 'Ghost Hunters' is over. Hehe."

Daughter: "Really? That's the end? FAIL."

(Seriously, similar responses)


Reading that this was better than #1 raised my hopes. It was a farther fall when I experienced the writing stupidity in the movie. What was supposed to be better?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Movies Don't Scare Me Anymore


The Memoir

I remember as a kid seeing parts of Carrie or The Shining or The Dead Zone on my aunt's television at a party and the adults trying to cover my eyes. At ten someone had Alien on VHS at a theater cast party and though warned and pushed away, I managed to watch most of it. I was hooked, but without access.

At 11 I watched a movie on late-night about an alien with tentacles that used its victims heads or something (reference needed) while my friend slept over; I awoke my parents, sleepwalking, at 3am to declare "He's dead. I killed him." My friend was fine. My parents were freaked, and those nightmares lasted 3 months. But then gone.

At thirteen I saw The Gate and that messed me up for a good week (and I currently have a rotting stump in my own yard that gives me the willies, should I turn it up to a hole in the ground...little monsters?)

Finally, at about 16 my folks gave me full privileges on the Blockbuster card and I used my movie theater usher pay to rent every Child's Play, Hellraiser, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street movie I could. I watched them all. I jumped, but other than that ...nothing.

About that time, I saw Candyman at the movie theater. I think I was freaked out about saying "Candyman" in the mirror for about 2 days.

Movies don't scare me anymore. Seriously. Maybe it was reading Stephen King as young as 9 or being an actor for just as long and understanding the "smoke and mirrors" aspect of theatre and filmmaking. You be the judge.

And now I have a 14-year-old daughter who has found herself in the same predicament that I did, just a little earlier. Since my wife doesn't enjoy horror movies, I'll be bringing my daughter along on this journey.

I'm beginning this blog because I'm on a mission to be frightened. But let's get to the clarification first.


When I say "I'm not scared by movies" I don't mean that movies don't frighten me in any way. And I don't mean I'm only looking for horror movies.

Many movies have startled me; many have frightened me for a brief moment or two. I don't mean that I don't jump; I love the jump.

The clarification here, on what I'm looking for:

I want to watch a movie that haunts me for more than 24 hours.

In the coming weeks, I'll run quick reviews of movies I've seen in the past, as well as dedicated posts to movies I'm watching - and probably haven't scared me.

Seriously, I'm looking to be haunted.

Suggestions welcome.