Rating System

Jump factor peak

As a quote from a sample in the Ministry song "Just Like You" goes, "What's the matter Eddie? Did I frighten you?" "Frighten me? No, Frank, I think startled is a better word."

This is the personal figurative height of jump on a level of how badly I was startled. Rattled. Shook up.

Jump factor bleed

While I accept the jump, how long can you hold a high level of tension? How long do you keep me intensified? Not necessarily related to the peak, but better if it is.

Staying power

You've startled me, you've maybe even frightened me. But will your story and fear carry past a minute or hour or day?

My personal experience is that anything over 24 hours is a memory of years ago.

Notable viewing quotes

I watch most of these movies with my daughter. Anything memorable we say - generally in jest of said movie - will be highlighted here, as will terrible movie quotes.

And that's about it.

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